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About me

Dr. med. Marion Eckert

In my „first life“ I studied Biology and completed my masters degree in San Diego, California, at the Scripps Research Institute in 1994. Diving deep into the cells and the incredible world that lies in there was very fascinating for me. 

This lead me further to the bigger system – the human being- in which those cells reside and therefore to studying medicine in Munich. I finished my last months of medical school again in the United States at Harvard Medical School as well as at UCSD and finally in Munich. 


My seven year education as a pediatrician I completed at the university hospital „Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital“ in Munich. Here I also finished my education in pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology, the first years mainly in the field of liver diseases and liver transplantation in children. 


During this time I also completed my emergency medicine training and spent three years working on the PCIU and NICU. Supporting and caring for severly ill childrend and their families was of particular importance to me, therefore I trained in pediatric palliative care and have been working for the outpatient children‘s hospice in Munich since 2011.  


In order to experience the field of pediatrics under a different aspect, I left university medicine in 2011 and worked in several general pediatric practices in Munich and Regensburg until 2019. 


Due to the fact that I love traveling myself, I completed my education in travel medicine and have been working in a renowned practice for tropical and travel medicine in Munich since 2014. My pediatric gastroenterology I’ve been offering the M1 Privatklinik in Munich since 2011. 


For many years I offered my pediatric gastroenterology in a private practice in the city center of Munich. Since June 2021 I have been happy to offer it in my own private practice »Kinderärztinnen im Westend«. 


For a long time the field of complementary medicine with it’s different modalities like herbal medicine, acupuncture, energy healing modalities, hypnosis, meditation and homeopathy have been fascinating for me.


Already in 1994 I completed my training as a california licensed "massage technician" at the school of healing arts in San Diego, California. Between 2005 und 2007 I went to several pediatric complementary medicine congresses and took part in a training in hypnosis in 2007 as well as finishing my A-Diploma in acupuncture.

From 2015 bis 2018 I lead a program funded by the Carstens Stiftung, in which we established integrative medicine at 3 pediatric hospitals in Germany. Our project was presented at the World Congress for Integrative Medicine in Berlin in 2017. During that time I also lead the pilot project PIMR (Pediatric Integrative Medicine in Residency) of the University of Arizona in Germany. 


Fort he past few years my interest was driven towards meditation and it’s impact on health, healing and consciousness and it’s growing scientific background and evidence. 


After all these years, I now offer the spectrum of my knowledge in my own private practicce for pediatrics and pediatric gastroenterology. I follow a holistic approach of medicine, in which I offer a full spectrum care and support of children and their parents. 



1989 – 1995

Studied biology at the LMU Munich, graduating with a masters degree in biology with a thesis at the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California

1992 – 2000 

Medical school at LMU Munich with license to practice medicine and doctorate’s thesis in 2002

2001 – 2007 

Residency in general pediatrics, pediatric surgery, pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology and pediatric palliative as well as 3 years in neonatal and general pediatric intensive care at the Dr. v. Haunersches Children's Hospital of the LMU Munich


A-diploma in acupuncture at the DÄGFA


Further training in hypnotherapy with Dr. Ebell in Munich

seit 2004

Crucible training with Rosalyn Bruyere, California


Child hypnosis course with Dr. Daniel Kohen


Graduation as a specialist for pediatric and adolescent medicine

ab 2007 

Acquisition of the specialist certificate for emergency medicine (emergency physician)


Additional qualification in basic psychosomatic care

2007 – 2009 & 2010 – 2011

Further training in the department of pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology at the Dr. v. Haunersches Children's Hospital of the LMU Munich

2009 – 2010

Pediatric palliative care training at the Pediatric Palliative Care Coordination Center of the LMU Munich


Certification in travel medicine


Graduation in pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology


Course "Complementary Medicine in Pediatrics" with Prof. Dobos in Essen, Germany


Training in "Fundamentals in pediatric hypnosis" at the NPHTI Institute, Minneapolis, USA


Mind Body Medicine Summer School, Essen Mitte Clinics of the University of Duisburg Essen, Germany

seit 2017

Training in meditation and the mind-body connection with Dr. Joe Dispenza


Career Path

2000 – 2011

Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital, LMU Munich in the departments of General Pediatrics, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Neonatal and General Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Palliative Medicine


Voluntary stay in Nepal with "medical checks for children

2010 – 2019 

Work in various pediatric practices in Munich

2011 – 2021

Work at the M1 Private Clinic as a pediatric gastroenterologist

seit 2011

Collaboration with the outpatient children's hospice Munich

since 2014

travel medicine consultation hours at the practice of Dr. Frühwein & Partner, Munich

2015 – 2018

Management of the project "Integrative medicine in pediatrics with establishment of integrative medicine at 3 children's hospitals in Germany

2016 – 2018

Management of the pilot project "PIMR -Pediatric Integrative Medicine in Residency" in Germany


Pediatric ward of the hospital Agatharied

seit 2020

Pool physician at the KVB, pediatric emergency services

from April 2021

Pediatrician & Pediatric Gastroenterologist in joint practice „Kinderärztinnen im Westend“

Memberships in Professional Societies

  • GPGE (Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Gastroenterologie und Ernährung)


  • DGKJ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin e.V.)


  • BVKJ (Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte e.V.)


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tropenpädiatrie 


  • DÄGFA (Deutsche Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur)


  • Bayerische Gesellschaft für Immun-, Tropenmedizin und Impfwesen e.V.


  • Forum Impfen e.V.



Gentransfer kostimulatorischer Moleküle mit Plasmid-Vektoren auf der Basis des rekombinanten Adeno-assoziierten Virus (rAAV) beim kolorektalen Karzinom.

Hacker U.T., Röhnisch T., Wendtner C.M., Eckert M., Buhmann R., Hallek M., Endres S.. Z Gastroenterol 1997; 35: 787-788.


The accessory molecule CD30L enhances B7-1 induced T cell responses against human melanoma cells. C. M. Wendtner, C. Schweighofer, S. Anton, M. Eckert, D. Kofler, C. Bogedain, U. Möbius, W. Hiddemann, M. Hallek. Blood; Vol.94, No 10, Supplement 1, Nov 15, 1999.


Gene transfer of CD30 ligand (CD30L) sustains the CD80 mediated T cell response aganist human melanoma cells. C. Schweighofer, M. Eckert, S. Anton, M. Hallek, C.-M. Wendtner; Onkologie - International Journal for Cancer Research and Treatment 1999; 22 (suppl. 1): p 39.


Differentielle Effekte von CD80 und CD30L humaner Melanomzellen auf humane T-Zellen. C.-M. Wendtner, M. Eckert, R. Buhmann, U. Möbius, M. Hallek. DGHO Meeting Frankfurt, Okt.’98.


Gene transfer of CD30 ligand (CD30L) sustains the CD80 mediated T cell response aganist human melanoma cells. C. Schweighofer, M. Eckert, S. Anton, M. Hallek, C.-M. Wendtner. DGHO Meeting Jena, Okt.’99.


Gene transfer of CD30 ligand (CD30L) sustains the CD80 mediated T cell response aganist human melanoma cells. C. Schweighofer, M. Eckert, S. Anton, M. Hallek, C.-M. Wendtner. 5th International Symposium: Biological Therapy of Cancer, Klinkum Grosshadern Okt.’99.


Expression von CD95 (Fas/Apo-1) und Fas-Ligand in Lebergewebe bei Kindern mit chronischer HCV- und HBV-Infektion. Eine Untersuchung an 50 Patienten. M. Eckert, M. Kappler, D. Stachel, R. Meilbeck, Th. Lang. 16. Jahrestagung der GPGE, Bozen, April 2001.


Autoimmunhepatitis Typ II und mentale Retardierung in einer Patientin mit Hermansky Pudlak Syndrom. M. Eckert, B. Lorenz, M. Schaller, A. Gerecke, I. Baumann, U.B. Graubner, Th. Lang. 98. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Leipzig, Sept. 2002.


Treatment of chronic Hepatitis C with pegylated- Interferon a 2b and Ribavirin in 2 patients with X- linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA). S. Urschel, M. Eckert, C. Engelhorn, F. Hoffmann, T. Lang, G. Notheis, U. Wintergerst, and B.H. Belohradsky.10th Meeting of European Society for Immunodeficiencies, Weimar, 2002.


Expression of CD95 (Fas/APO1) and Fas-Ligand in liver tissue of children with chronic HCV and HBV-infection. M. Eckert, M. Kappler, D. Stachel, R. Meilbeck, Th. Lang. ESPGHAN summer school, Azoren 2003.


Akzessorischer, rechtsseitiger Ductus hepaticus mit assoziierter Stenose des Ductus hepaticus communis. M. Eckert, W. Heldwein, D.v. Schweinitz, Th. Lang.19. Jahrestagung der GPGE, Lindau, Mai 2004.


Makro-GOT als Ursache persistierender, isolierter, GOT- Erhöhung in zwei Patienten. M. Eckert, A. Kronwitter, Th. Lang. 19. Jahrestagung der GPGE, Lindau, Mai 2004.


Familiäre Hypo-Beta-Lipoproteinämie als Ursache von Hepatosteatose und Transaminasenerhöhung bei einem 11-jährigen Mädchen und seiner Mutter. M. Eckert, P. Cremer, K. Wagner, S. Koletzko. 104. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Leipzig, Sept. 2008.


Panhypopituitarismus als Ursache von Ikterus prolongatus und Fettstühlen bei einem Neugeborenen mit Hypoglykämie. M. Eckert, C. Weissenbacher, S. Bechtold, R. Möller, R. Ensenauer, S. Koletzko, H.P. Schwarz. 24. Jahrestagung der GPGE, Hamburg, April 2009.


Komplementäre und alternative Medizin in der Kinderheilkunde. M. Eckert, Bauchredner 2/2008, 64-69.


It’s a small world – paediatric CAM initiatives in the EU. Connie Winther, Ines von Rosenstiel, Nicola Robinson, Rhonda Lee, Pankaj Shah, Cecilia Bukutu, Rosalie Koolen, Arine Vlieger, Karlien Bongers, Marion Eckert, Shay Pintov, Sunita Vohra (corresponding author). Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies, Volume 13(2), June 2008, 90-94, 2008 Pharmaceutical Press, ISSN 1465 -3753.


Panhypopituitarismus als Ursache von Icterus prolongatus und Cholestase bei einem Neugeborenen mit Hypoglykämie. M. Eckert, S. Bechtold, R. Otto, R. Ensenauer, S. Koletzko, H.P. Schwarz. Pädiatrische Praxis, Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin in Klinik und Praxis, pädiat.prax. 77, 55-61 (2011).


Integrative Pediatrics: Successful Implementation of Integrative Medicinein a German Hospital Setting-Concept and Realization. Eckert M, Amarell C, Anheyer D, Cramer H, Dobos G.. Children (Basel). 2018 Sep 4;5(9):122.


Applied Pediatric Integrative Medicine: What We Can Learn from the Ancient Teachings of Sebastian Kneipp in a Kindergarten Setting. Eckert M, Anheyer M. Children (Basel). 2018 Jul 26;5(8):102.


Expression of Fas and FasL in liver tissue of children with chronic hepatitis B and C. M. Eckert, M. Kappler, D. Stachel, R. Meilbeck, Th. Lang. 34th Annual Meeting of ESPGHAN Genf, Mai 2001.


Gemeinsam wachsen. M. Eckert. Vortragsreihe der AOK, Okt. 2002 (Teil I), März 2003 (Teil III).


Akute Gastroenteritis- Was tun? M. Eckert. 7. Internationales Symposium „Homöopathie in Klinik, Praxis und Forschung“, Dr. v. Haunersches Kinderspital, Nov. 2008.


Komplementärmedizin in der Kinderheilkunde. M. Eckert.  Informationstag der DCCV Nov. 2008, Frankfurt.


Hypnosetherapie (Komplementäre Verfahren). M. Eckert. Crohn & Colitis Tag 2014, Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien, Landshut.


Erste Hilfe bei Kinderunfällen. M. Eckert. Gesundheitsaktion Juni 2015, Generali Versicherungen München.


Integrative Pädiatrie im Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien gGmbH. M. Eckert. Symposion “Integrative Medizin in der Klinik” Medizin und Gesundheitspflege mit Schwerpunkt Naturheilkunde, MHH, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Januar 2017.

World Congress for Integrative Medicine, Berlin

Implementation of integrative medicine in a german pediatric hospital setting– concept and realization using the example of the Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien, Landshut. Eckert M., Amarell C., Schönauer A., Reisenberger B., Brand B., *Anheyer D., *Dobos G.. Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien Landshut, *Klinik für Naturheilkunde und Integrative Medizin, Kliniken Essen Mitte, Knappschafts-Krankenhaus. World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017, 10th ECIM & 12th ICCMR Congress Berlin, Germany, May 3-5th 2017.



Up-Date on pediatric integrative medicine – three main topics: Functional abdominal pain. Eckert M., *Ogal M., Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien, Landshut, Germany, *Arztpraxis für Kinder und Jugendliche, Brunnen, Switzerland. World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017, 10th ECIM & 12th ICCMR Congress Berlin, Germany, May 3-5th 2017.

Book Articles

Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie von A-Z, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012. Schmid I., et. al. Eckert M.: Kapitel Bauchschmerzen S. 36-46.


Die Jugendfibel: Ein Gesundheitsbuch für Jugendliche. KVC Verlag 2017. Kerckhoff A., Elies M., Eckert M.

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